Thursday, 4 October 2012

The Spanish Chronicles (Part II)

Why Spain?

The 1st three reasons that come to my mind are: Football, Football & Football.
Yes, Spain trip is actually a pilgrimage with some sight-seeing thrown in! That I won't be able to watch any of the matches LIVE is another story though. But to be able to see and touch and take 'MY' photos in the stadium to update in Facebook is what today's dreams are made of, aren't they?

While planning a vacation first,
Foremost is visit to land unseen thirst
Without wanting to get too radical
Guided by reasons some esoteric some economical

Honestly we never did consider Portugal
Albeit its football wizards that enthrall one & all
Suffice to say when these masters seek glory and gain
It is always Spain, It is always Spain!

Ireland did make it to the list
But ale seemed to be the vacation's only gist
Having visited its neighbors my interest did wane
It has to be Spain, It has to be Spain

In Greece the romance of a holiday regaled
But over pristine scenery the love for the game prevailed
For culture & history shall always remain
Let this time be Spain, Let this time be Spain

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